
Sunday, October 03, 2010

Lacessititermes Sp

This Lacessititermes species has a dimorphic worker caste. An indicative feature of free ranging (above ground open foraging) termites species are the typically smaller heads (as a ratio to body size) of the workers. The soldiers also tend to have longer antennae due to their free range foraging which leave them without the safety of their tube corridors and subterranean tunnels.

Major worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Major worker of Hospitalitermes

Major and minor worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Major and minor worker of Hospitalitermes

Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Lacessititermes sp.
Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Hospitalitermes

Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Lacessititermes sp.
Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Hospitalitermes

Minor workers, major worker and soldiers of Lacessititermes sp.
Minor workers, major worker and soldiers of Hospitalitermes

Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Lacessititermes sp.
Minor worker, major worker and soldiers of Hospitalitermes

Minor workers, major worker and soldiers of Lacessititermes sp.
Minor workers, major worker and soldiers of Hospitalitermes

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp. The older soldiers have blacken dark brown colored heads that are almost black.
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp. 
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp. 
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp.
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp. 
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldier of Lacessititermes sp. 
Soldier of Hospitalitermes sp

Soldiers and minor worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Soldiers and minor worker of Hospitalitermes

Soldiers and major worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Soldiers and minor worker of Hospitalitermes

Soldiers and minor worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Soldiers and minor worker of Hospitalitermes

Soldiers and minor worker of Lacessititermes sp.
Soldiers and minor worker of Hospitalitermes

A green ball of lichen harvested by Lacessititermes.



 Moss growing on a fallen tree that has been completely harvested most probably by Lacessititermes or Hospitalitermes?

The common moss.

Moss grows in great abundance in humid jungle environment especially where there is sufficient sun light that is not scorching hot as do occur in the tropical countries of South Asia.


Green lichen.

Not so green lichen?

White lichen.

Lichen covering the trunk of a tree.

Less commonly found Lichen.

See Also:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Infraclass: Neoptera
Superorder: Dictyoptera
Order: Isoptera 7499
Suborder: Fontanella
Subdivision: Longiprocta
Superfamily: Termitiodae
Family: Termitidae 46569
Subfamily: Nasutitermitinae
Aciculioiditermes - Aciculitermes - Afrosubulitermes - Agnathotermes - Ahmaditermes - Ampoulitermes - Angularitermes - Anhangatermes - Antillitermes - Araujotermes - Arcotermes - Armitermes - Atlantitermes - Australitermes - Baucaliotermes - Bulbitermes - Caetetermes - Cahuallitermes - Caribitermes - Ceylonitermellus - Ceylonitermes - Coarctotermes - Coatitermes - Coendutermes - Constrictotermes - Convexitermes - Cornitermes - Cortaritermes - Cucurbitermes - Curvitermes - Cyranotermes - Cyrilliotermes - Diversitermes - Diwaitermes - Eleanoritermes - Embiratermes - Emersonitermes - Ereymatermes - Eutermellus - Fulleritermes - Grallatotermes - Havilanditermes - Hirtitermes - Hospitalitermes - Ibitermes - Kaudernitermes - Labiotermes - Lacessititermes - Leptomyxotermes - Leucopsitermes - Longipeditermes - Macrosubulitermes - Macuxitermes - Malagasitermes - Malaysiotermes - Mimeutermes - Mironasutitermes - Mycterotermes - Nasopilotermes - Nasutitermes - Nuiginitermes - Obtusitermes - Occasitermes - Occultitermes - Oriensubulitermes - Paracornitermes - Parvitermes - Periaciculitermes - Peribulbitermes - Postsubulitermes - Proaciculitermes - Procornitermes - Rhadinotermes - Rhynchotermes - Roonwalitermes - Rotunditermes - Sinonasutitermes - Spatulitermes - Subulitermes - Syntermes - Tarditermes - Tenuirostritermes - Thailanditermes - Triangularitermes - Trinervitermes - Tumulitermes - Velocitermes - Verrucositermes - Xiaitermes

Last Updated: 2012 07 08
Posted: 2010 03 10
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