
Monday, December 12, 2011

Solenopsis sp

Of the Solenopsis genus Solenopsis sp is one of the smallest at 2 mm long. Like many small ants including some species of Monomorium and of course one of the tiniest of ants Oligomyrmex, these ants are considered by many experts to be thief ants even as they are not any more "thieving" than any other ants. They got a bad rap just on account of their being so tiny. Generally thief ants do not protect them food finds against other ants which most (but not all) non thief ants generally do. This is because food finds are hard to come by, but when food finds are in large quantity many ants do not fiercely fight off other ants and other insects and arthropods taking a share.

 This is possibly not Solenopsis molesta, but I had provisionally tagged it as such based on a paper by a local entomologist.

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Queen and workers of Solenopsis sp.
Queen and workers of Solenopsis molesta

Workers of Solenopsis sp.
Workers of Solenopsis molesta

Workers of Solenopsis sp.
Workers of Solenopsis molesta

Workers of Solenopsis sp.
Workers of Solenopsis molesta

Workers of Solenopsis sp.
Workers of Solenopsis molesta

(click on video then click on play to watch)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Infraclass: Neoptera
Order: Hymenoptera
Suborder: Apocrita
Infraorder: Aculeata
Superfamily: Vespoide
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Genus: Solenopsis

Updated: 2022 01 03
© 2011 - 2022 Quah. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Nasutitermes Sp.

This small red species of the Nasutitermitinae subfamily of nasute termite appears to be totally subterranean whereas the first species is known for their arboreal nest and tunnels on the trunks and branches of trees. The soldier caste of Nasutitermes longinasus is dimorphic. This species is also around twenty percent longer (body length of the soldiers from tip of “stringe” to tip of abdomen). The major soldier is 5 millimeters long.

The minor worker of this red Nasutitermes longinasus termite has a much smaller head.
The minor worker of this red Nasutitermes species has a much smaller head

A minor soldier and a major soldier of Nasutitermes longinasus.

A worker of  Nasutitermes longinasus with a minor and a major soldier.
worker of Nasutitermes sp4 with a minor and a major soldier

The major soldier of Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.

Major soldiers of  Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.

Major soldiers of Nasutitermes longinasus.
Major soldiers of Nasuitermes sp

Close up shot of the major soldier of this small red Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.
major soldier of this small red Nasutitermes with a worker

Close up shot of the major soldier of this small red Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.

Close up shot of the major soldier of this small red Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.

Close up shot of the major soldier of this small red Nasutitermes longinasus with a worker.

Close up shot of the major and minor soldiers of  Nasutitermes longinasus.
major and minor soldiers of Nasutitermes

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Infraclass: Neoptera
Superorder: Dictyoptera
Order: Isoptera 7499
Suborder: Fontanella
Subdivision: Longiprocta
Superfamily: Termitiodae
Family - Termitidae 46569
Subfamily: Nasutitermitinae
Aciculioiditermes - Aciculitermes - Afrosubulitermes - Agnathotermes - Ahmaditermes - Ampoulitermes - Angularitermes - Anhangatermes - Antillitermes - Araujotermes - Arcotermes - Armitermes - Atlantitermes - Australitermes - Baucaliotermes - Bulbitermes - Caetetermes - Cahuallitermes - Caribitermes - Ceylonitermellus - Ceylonitermes - Coarctotermes - Coatitermes - Coendutermes - Constrictotermes - Convexitermes - Cornitermes - Cortaritermes - Cucurbitermes - Curvitermes - Cyranotermes - Cyrilliotermes - Diversitermes - Diwaitermes - Eleanoritermes - Embiratermes - Emersonitermes - Ereymatermes - Eutermellus - Fulleritermes - Grallatotermes - Havilanditermes - Hirtitermes - Hospitalitermes - Ibitermes - Kaudernitermes - Labiotermes - Lacessititermes - Leptomyxotermes - Leucopsitermes - Longipeditermes - Macrosubulitermes - Macuxitermes - Malagasitermes - Malaysiotermes - Mimeutermes - Mironasutitermes - Mycterotermes - Nasopilotermes - Nasutitermes - Nuiginitermes - Obtusitermes - Occasitermes - Occultitermes - Oriensubulitermes - Paracornitermes - Parvitermes - Periaciculitermes - Peribulbitermes - Postsubulitermes - Proaciculitermes - Procornitermes - Rhadinotermes - Rhynchotermes - Roonwalitermes - Rotunditermes - Sinonasutitermes - Spatulitermes - Subulitermes - Syntermes - Tarditermes - Tenuirostritermes - Thailanditermes - Triangularitermes - Trinervitermes - Tumulitermes - Velocitermes - Verrucositermes - Xiaitermes

Last Updated (YMD): 2014 09 10
First Posted: 2011 12 01
© 2011 Quah. All rights reserved.